
Showing posts from March 1, 2020


Procrastination is the mother of delay and enemy of progress in any faculty of life, whether in business, academic, ministry, and even family.  Procrastination is like virus. It eats into the very fabric of life. He who cannot manage his time cannot manage his life.  Procrastination ties itself to time, giving an impression that the day is still young.  Procrastination whispers to you that you are still as young as ever, till all privileges and opportunities pass you by.  Fight procrastination, and kick it out of your life. Credit to Isaac Ajisafe I am Daniel A. Oluwayiose Feeding the better the WORLD


About some months ago in the land of The Federal Polytechnic, Ado-Ekiti. It was a moment of truth and revelation as the students of the great citadel of learning were exposed to diverse knowledge and they were made to come to the knowledge of some secrets to relevance both earthly and beyond. A bit of the English definition of ‘WORLD’ is a distinctive class of persons or their sphere of interest or activity. We believe the school to be a sphere that its activities, operation and focus is distinct and its influence and importance cannot be over emphasize in the generality of the world’s activity at large. This is a kind of setting that has the highest stake in either making or marring the future of the younger generations. OutWorld Summit was birth through the passion of a young Nigerian Student who is concerned and passionate about seeing the younger generation equipped and well prepared for the ‘After school realities’. The first edition was held in The Federal  Polyte