
Showing posts from March 3, 2024


As people, much of who we are today, how we behave, how we think, how we view the world, how we interpret situations, handles success, define failures and how we talk to ourselves and others is based on the collection of beliefs we’ve accumulated over our lifetimes.   But the funny thing is, we rarely stop to take stock of these beliefs, let alone question their validity. We may not even realize it, but for better or worse, our beliefs are silently at work in our lives every day.   The larger question isn’t which beliefs are right or wrong; it’s how do our beliefs affect our lives? Are they having a positive impact or a negative impact, and if they’re negative, how can we replace our negative beliefs with more positive ones.   HOW CAN WE BREAK OUT   Those are the questions I want to address today, but first, let’s further define what a belief system is.   At its core, a belief system is really just a set of beliefs about what is right and wrong, and true or false, a