Good day world changer I bring you greetings in this pressing time from my humble abode As much as I do not want to partake in the trending ANONYMOUS message flying all over the air, so also is the effect won't stop reflecting back and drawing my attention more closer and this has ignited me to drop my view We often say that 'for every action we take as individuals, there is always a reflection of our actions at a later time and season in life!' and so, many pay less or no attention to this as they live their lives with the ignorant conviction that nobody is watching and with "IT IS MY LIFE" ideology What will people say about you after you cease to exist on planet earth has been a common and general question we do ask but reverse is the case as MR ANONYMOUS turns the table around to be WHAT IS PEOPLE SAYING ABOUT ME WHILE I'M STILL ALIVE I stumbled on different anonymous messages and to some, I laughed, to some, I gave accolades and to some, I