Redirecting Your Leadership Focus
I quite understand that people generally underestimate the weakness of human nature regardless of whatever position they hold. _Every human has one weakness or the other_ and it's easy to criticize people in leadership without looking at inwards. It is easy to point out the problem when you are not pointing to yourself!
However, the goal of leadership is improvement and this must be the mindset of all leaders regardless of vocation or occupation.
No movement, no leadership!
_If I can't take you from Point A to Point B, then I'm not leading you_ .
If I can't bring any improvement to your thinking, your approach, skills, business and life, I'm not leading you.
As far as I'm concerned, Leadership is service and nothing more.
_That I'm a leader doesn't mean I must be the smartest, richest, biggest or my ideas must be the best all the time._
I'm of the opinion that, the essence of leadership is to be a broker of talents among my team members. This formed part of the reason why I deliver lecture regularly on why a good team will always be a good avenue for members to discover their talents and potentials and as well put them into practice.
Identifying each person's area of genius in your team and helping them unleash their genius must be one of your goals for your TEAM. _The collective unleashing of their genius - the sum of it, is what you get as your own result._
If people diminish under you, if they are afraid to display their genius because your eyes will turn red, because you will feel insecure, just like King Saul in the scripture, then you are not good for leadership. This is one of the reasons why many business teams and organizations are not growing. Too much envy from the top to the followers which will definitely spread envy like cancer within the team.
You should always give your people courage to display their genius in your presence. Encourage them to have results and not just ordinary results, but results that can showcase them to their world.
Let it be your joy that the people you trained, groomed and mentored maybe in business or wherever, are now doing great, making huge impacts in their fields of endeavour, earnings mouthwatering incomes, serving as role models to others within the society, etc.
Let it be your joy that your people are chasing 10,000 where you chased 1000 because at the end of the day, it will still be credited to your account.
No leader will ever realize their potential until they turn their focus towards others.
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