Here's my advice;
Love is actually underrated, however, true love is a sign, signal and a symbol of emotional stability. It's the absence of true love that culminates into hatred, backlash, envy, jealousy, and above all, separation.
As a lady who's prepared to settle down maritally, please take cognizance of the following factors;
First, if you want to get the best of your husband, endeavor to throw your weight on his career, dream or vision. Be his pillar, support system and number one cheerleader.
Second, joyfully see him as your instructor, leader and coach. When you submit under his tutelage, he will go above board for you. Note; submissiveness doesn't necessarily connotes absolute obedience to his instructions or decisions, it could also mean seeing your husband as someone who has capacity to equip and empower you for a promising future.
Third, don't get betrothed to someone who feels unsafe and insecure around you. If he doesn't rejoice in your progress and forward movement, don't risk marrying him. You might end up living a miserable and despondent life.
Fourth, marry someone you can play, chat, discuss, confide and express your heart to. What keeps relationships or marriages strengthened and fortified isn't at all connected to all the emotional ignitions that gets people turned on, those things are temporary. If you are always fidgeting especially when communicating with him, discontinue the relationship before it gets consolidated. It's the best decision you'll ever make.
Fifth, whoever you desire to spend the rest of your life with, make sure he's someone you can respect, regard and honor within and without. If you know you can't respect and honor him, don't waste your time knotting the tie with him. Note; you don't respect and honor a man simply because he showers you with gifts, material things, and others, when those things are no longer available, would you still reference him? When things are in short supply, would you still respect and regard him? Remember, a woman isn't considered virtuous or loving when things are rosy and palatable, a virtuous woman is only praised when she stands in the face of adversities and challenges.
Sixth, before you set out for that marital journey, make sure you invest enormously in yourself. Read every great resource material you can lay your hands on, listen to all the messages that has capability of transforming your life, and build yourself mentally, psychologically, spiritually, and a host of others. In the words of Benjamin Franklin, he posit that, the best form of investment is the investment of the mind. Build and develop yourself!
Finally, if you know you possess habits that are indescent, destructive and uncultured, find all possible means to purge yourself of them before you get married. Holding unto the past is dangerous, there's nothing the past can do for you other than to put you at the background. If you go into forever with any baggage, you are not likely to enjoy the marriage. Settle everything, if you have to forgive yourself, do so. If you have to forgive your victim or offender, do so. Whatever you have to bury, endeavor it's done before you sign that journey to forever.
The list is endless but I'll stop here. If you need further advice, please feel free to talk to me.
Stay blessed and refreshed always.
Jesufemi O. Opadiran
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